22 Aug

Anyone working in IT industry has at least of experience with DNS request failure which can be quite disturbing in this post in the continuous series of Avanetco blog we are going to check nslookup commands as a great way to deal with that problem. nslookup is used to query a dns server that works […]

06 Aug

To extend partition in windows you have to add the amount of desired capacity and then considering windows limitations for extending a new partition decide which way to add it. we have also covered this topic for linux as well. increasing capacity can be done two ways you can extend an existing volume or add […]

25 Jul

If you want to Change password in windows for admin or a user then continue to read this post but if you have forgotten your password then read how to reset password in windows. first let’s see the simple scenario where you have physical server and are locally logged in to it. log in and […]

24 Jul

A famous saying amongst sys administrators points to the problem we are covering today : how to Reset password in Windows , when someone has access locally to the computer there is 99.999 percent chance that they can take ownership to that machine. note that we use reset password on windows only when we do […]

16 Jul

Nowadays all most all browsers have anti malware and anti phishing enabled by default. so once a website is blacklisted by google , users will see the page below so in this post we will explain about Deceptive site ahead error. most pages that are infected are none hackers basically normal users who have website […]

25 May

In this article we are going to cover a simple yet so practical job on how to connect to remote desktop. when a user buys a VPS or a dedicated server depending on their OS they need to remote to that server as well as console connection. remote desktop connection is a general word that […]

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