VPS Server in China , China (Guilin) VPS New hardware brands , SSD Hard disk , RAID 10 , Port 1 Gbps .
Physically Located in China , Uptime 99.9% , Support 24*7 , Monitoring , VMWARE ESXi , Dedicated Resource
You can buy China VPS with AVAX (AVALANCHE ) , BCH (Bitcoin Cash) , BNB , BTC (Bitcoin) , CGPT , DAI , ETH (ETHERUM) , DASH , DOGE , MATIC , SHIB (SHIBA), SOL (SOLANA), TON (TONCOIN) , TRX (TRON) , USDC , USDT (TETHER), VERSE , XMR (MONERO) , LTC (Litecoin) , ZEC (Zcash) , XRP (Ripple) , CAKE (PancakeSwap) , HBAR (Hedera Hashgraph), DAO (DAO Maker), SXP (Solar Network), ARB (Arbitrum One),VET (VeChain), LINK (ChainLink), PAX (Paxos) , CRO (Cronos), ZIL (Zilliqa), YFI (Yearn Finance) and other Crypto Currency in TRON , Polygon , Solana , Etherum , Arbitrum and Binance Smart Chain Network , Paypal , Utopia USD (UUSD).
In our China data center we provide most varieties of Windows Server OS like Windows Server 2016 & Windows Server 2019 & Windows Server 2021 & Windows Server 2022 and we provide most varieties of Linux distributions like CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Alma Linux , etc.
All China Linux VPS plans include full root access provided with the SSH security protocol. Different versions of CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian and other Linux distributions can be provided but we always recommend using the latest stable versions. All softwares and hosting control panels can be installed on them.
All China windows VPS plans include full administrator remote desktop access with the possibility to install your own software. ur recommended OS are Windows Server 2016 & Windows Server 2019 & Windows Server 2021 & Windows Server 2022.
AVANETCO China VPS servers run on high-end Intel and HP & DELL High Level processors with storage devices that are configured in RAID 10 arrays using enterprise RAID controllers with integrated SSD caching optimized by AVANETCO technicians. These servers are equipped with high rpm HDDs, SSDs and even NVME SSD. They are strategically located in first-class data centers around the globe in more than 10 countries which provides you the possibility to pick for your convenience.
A China VPS can be used for any purpose you desire, however these are the most common uses: web hosting, running applications, as a storage server, as a game server and as a backup server and etc.
In China Datacenter you can buy additional RAM , CPU Core , HDD in all servers and cost calculated in your order .
China IPv6 VPS refers to a Virtual Private Server (VPS) that utilizes the Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) for communication. IPv6 is the latest version of the Internet Protocol, designed to replace the older IPv4 due to the exhaustion of available IPv4 addresses. In contrast to IPv4, which uses 32-bit addresses, IPv6 employs 128-bit addresses, providing an immensely larger pool of unique IP addresses.
An China IPv6 VPS operates on a virtualized server infrastructure, allowing users to have dedicated resources and control over their hosting environment. This type of China VPS is particularly beneficial for those who want to ensure compatibility with the evolving Internet infrastructure, take advantage of the expanded address space, and enjoy improved security features provided by China VPS IPv6.
When it comes to hosting services in China, AVANETCO is the best VPS hosting provider and offers top-notch solutions tailored to the specific needs of businesses and individuals. These providers offer reliable, high-performance virtual private servers hosted in China , ensuring low latency and robust security. Choosing AVANETCO’s best VPS hosting in China can significantly impact the success of online ventures in the region.
在中國的託管服務方面,AVANETCO 是最好的 VPS 託管供應商,並提供針對企業和個人特定需求量身定制的一流解決方案。這些供應商提供在中國託管的可靠、高效能虛擬專用伺服器,確保低延遲和強大的安全性。選擇 AVANETCO 在中國最好的 VPS 託管可以對該地區線上企業的成功產生重大影響。
عندما يتعلق الأمر بخدمات الاستضافة في الصين، فإن AVANETCO هي أفضل مزود لاستضافة VPS وتقدم حلولاً من الدرجة الأولى مصممة خصيصًا لتلبية الاحتياجات المحددة للشركات والأفراد. يقدم هؤلاء المزودون خوادم خاصة افتراضية موثوقة وعالية الأداء مستضافة في الصين، مما يضمن زمن وصول منخفض وأمانًا قويًا. إن اختيار أفضل استضافة VPS من AVANETCO في الصين يمكن أن يؤثر بشكل كبير على نجاح المشاريع عبر الإنترنت في المنطقة.
Когда дело доходит до услуг хостинга в Китае, AVANETCO является лучшим провайдером VPS-хостинга и предлагает первоклассные решения, адаптированные к конкретным потребностям предприятий и частных лиц. Эти провайдеры предлагают надежные, высокопроизводительные виртуальные частные серверы, размещенные в Китае, обеспечивающие низкую задержку и надежную безопасность. Выбор лучшего VPS-хостинга AVANETCO в Китае может существенно повлиять на успех онлайн-предприятий в регионе.
Cuando se trata de servicios de alojamiento en China, AVANETCO es el mejor proveedor de alojamiento VPS y ofrece soluciones de primer nivel adaptadas a las necesidades específicas de empresas e individuos. Estos proveedores ofrecen servidores privados virtuales confiables y de alto rendimiento alojados en China, lo que garantiza una baja latencia y una seguridad sólida. Elegir el mejor alojamiento VPS de AVANETCO en China puede tener un impacto significativo en el éxito de las empresas en línea en la región.
Wenn es um Hosting-Dienste in China geht, ist AVANETCO der beste VPS-Hosting-Anbieter und bietet erstklassige Lösungen, die auf die spezifischen Bedürfnisse von Unternehmen und Privatpersonen zugeschnitten sind. Diese Anbieter bieten zuverlässige, leistungsstarke virtuelle private Server, die in China gehostet werden und niedrige Latenzzeiten und robuste Sicherheit gewährleisten. Die Wahl des besten VPS-Hostings von AVANETCO in China kann den Erfolg von Online-Unternehmen in der Region erheblich beeinflussen.
En matière de services d’hébergement en Chine, AVANETCO est le meilleur fournisseur d’hébergement VPS et propose des solutions de premier ordre adaptées aux besoins spécifiques des entreprises et des particuliers. Ces fournisseurs proposent des serveurs privés virtuels fiables et performants hébergés en Chine, garantissant une faible latence et une sécurité robuste. Choisir le meilleur hébergement VPS d’AVANETCO en Chine peut avoir un impact significatif sur le succès des entreprises en ligne dans la région.