How to install docker on Linux

Publish : 2022 Aug 08 2129 view Cat : AVANETCO + Docker + Linux
How to install docker on Linux
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Docker has become an inseparable part of projects due to its flexibility and advantages it brings to a development team in this post we’re gonna take the first step in our blog on the road to learning docker by How to install docker on linux.

Before we start let’s clarify a common question amongst beginners what is the difference between docker desktop and docker engine? well first of all you can use both of the to develop and deploy your application but the core daemon that runs your API’s and everything is docker engine. docker desktop consists of a virtual machine that has docker packages inside

you can install docker engine on variety of systems like mac, windows and linux. the table below shows supported distrobutions

install docker on linux

now in this post we are going to install docker on centos but ubuntu as another distro that is very popular to dockerize your production environment 🙂  most commands are pretty the same once you install and want to run docker on tour server

there are number of ways to install docker on linux many private companies prefer to create their own repository and use it to install and update docker  you can learn more in this guide. but we stick to the simple more general way of using a package manager

to begin intsall docker on linux :

  • add docker repository
sudo yum install -y yum-utils

$ sudo yum-config-manager \
    --add-repo \
  • install docker engine and docker compose (we’ll explan about them later)
 sudo yum install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-compose-plugin
  • now start docker
systemctl start docker
  • validate your installation by downloading and running an image
 sudo docker run hello-world

install docker on linux server

you’re all set now that you have install docker on Linux we are going to see so many cool projects done by it in our upcoming posts.