Premium Linux Hosting pay with crypto starting $8

5/5 - (11 votes)

Premium Linux HostingPremium Linux Hosting is the perfect host for the big websites that its technology based on PHP,Node.Js,Html based byproducts, high-speed, affordable, unlimited database features of Linux hosting is the obvious, in the case of open-source CMS such as Joomla, Word Press, Nuke, etc. PHP or CGI languages and Linux using Perl we host you suggested.
The superior characteristics of the service ..

Unlimited traffic and Powerful CPU and the possibility to provide dedicated IP with the application Equipped with SSD NVME hard drives 1 month discount on the purchase of 1-year

SSD HDD Hosting – Free SSL – Cpanel/WHM – Unlimited Bandwidth – Unlimited Email Accounts – Cloud Linux Kernel – Powerful CPU
Premium LinuxStartPremium LinuxStandPremium LinuxEnterPremium LinuxProPremium LinuxSilverPremium LinuxGold
6GB Disk10GB Disk15GB Disk20GB Disk24GB Disk30GB Disk
Unlimited BandwidthUnlimited BandwidthUnlimited BandwidthUnlimited BandwidthUnlimited BandwidthUnlimited Bandwidth

Free SSL

Free SSL

Free SSL

Free SSL

Free SSL

Free SSL

Weekly Backup

Weekly Backup

Weekly Backup

Weekly Backup

Weekly Backup

Weekly Backup

Payment Method

You can buy Premium Cloud Linux Hosting  with  AVAX (AVALANCHE ) , BCH (Bitcoin Cash) , BNB , BTC (Bitcoin) , CGPT , DAI , ETH (ETHERUM) , DASH , DOGE , MATIC , SHIB (SHIBA), SOL (SOLANA), TON (TONCOIN) , TRX (TRON) , USDC , USDT (TETHER), VERSE  , XMR (MONERO) , LTC (Litecoin) and other Crypto Currency in TRON , Polygan  and Binance Smart Chain Network.

Lightning Fast

We use top-of-the-line, enterprise-level SSDs in a RAID10 configuration to provide the fastest load times for your website.

Uptime Guaranteed

With the help of enterprise-level hardware and latest networking technologies we are able to offer a 99.99% uptime guarantee.

24’7 support

Our support team consists of certified IT experts with years of experience and specialization in both software and hardware related problems.

cPanel Control Panel

cPanel is an online Linux-based web hosting control panel that provides a graphical interface and automation tools designed to simplify the process of hosting a website to the website owner. cPanel have 3 tier structures for administrator, resellers and end-user website owners with various control features. While cPanel is limited to managing a single website, the server administration panel of which cPanel is a part of is known as WHM, short for Web Host Manager. WHM supports installation on CloudLinux operating system.

Powerful cPanel hosting for websites and applications

Premium cPanel web hosting, and are customized to fit a range of use cases. We offer dedicated CPU.