VPS Server in Turkey (Istanbul) ,Turkey VPS (Virtual Private Server) New hardware brands , SSD Hard disk , Port 10 Gbps , Hardware Firewall .
Physically Located in Turkey , Uptime 99.9% , Support 24*7 , Monitoring , VMWARE ESXi , Dedicated Resource
You can buy Turkey VPS with AVAX (AVALANCHE ) , BCH (Bitcoin Cash) , BNB , BTC (Bitcoin) , CGPT , DAI , ETH (ETHERUM) , DASH , DOGE , MATIC , SHIB (SHIBA), SOL (SOLANA), TON (TONCOIN) , TRX (TRON) , USDC , USDT (TETHER), VERSE , XMR (MONERO) , LTC (Litecoin) and other Crypto Currency in TRON , Polygon and Binance Smart Chain Network , Paypal , Utopia USD (UUSD)
In our Turkey (Istanbul) VPS data center we provide most varieties of Windows Server OS like Windows Server 2016 / 2019 / 2021 / 2022 . We also provide Linux distributions like CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Alma Linux , Mikrotik , etc.
All Turkey (Istanbul) VPS windows VPS plans include full administrator remote desktop access with the possibility to install your own software. Our recommended OS are windows server 2016 / 2019 / 2021 / 2022
All Turkey (Istanbul) VPS Linux VPS plans include full root access provided with the SSH security protocol. Different versions of CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian , Rockey Linux , Alma Linux and other Linux distributions can be provided but we always recommend using the latest stable versions. All softwares and hosting control panels can be installed on them.
AVANETCO Turkey (Istanbul) VPS servers run on high-end Intel and HP & DELL High Level processors with storage devices that are configured in RAID 10 arrays using enterprise RAID controllers with integrated SSD caching optimized by AVANETCO technicians. These servers are equipped with high rpm HDDs, SSDs and even NVME SSD. They are strategically located in first-class data centers around the globe in more than 10 countries which provides you the possibility to pick for your convenience.
A Turkey (Istanbul) VPS can be used for any purpose you desire, however these are the most common uses: web hosting, running applications, as a storage server, as a game server and as a backup server and etc.
In Turkey (Istanbul) Datacenter you can buy additional RAM , CPU Core , HDD in all servers and cost calculated in your order .
Our servers are located on the shores of the Aegean Sea, in Istanbul – the third largest city in Turkey. The data center provides a confirmed 99.99% uptime guarantee and is connected to six major telecommunications operators at once for reliability.
Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting in Turkey is recognized for its affordability and diversity in service offerings. When evaluating Turkish VPS providers, important factors considered include performance, reliability, customer support, pricing, and scalability options. The market features a variety of providers, each offering different plans suitable for everything from small businesses to large corporations. Comparing these offerings based on your specific needs is recommended to find the best fit.
Enjoy high-velocity internet and unlimited bandwidth with our cost-effective Turkey VPS plans. And to top it off, we grant you full authority over your Turkish VPS servers!
Istanbul Data Center
Affordable Price
Fast Server Deploy
Unbeatable Performance
Experience 10 Gbps speeds with our Turkey VPS.
Turkey IPv6 VPS refers to a Virtual Private Server (VPS) that utilizes the Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) for communication. IPv6 is the latest version of the Internet Protocol, designed to replace the older IPv4 due to the exhaustion of available IPv4 addresses. In contrast to IPv4, which uses 32-bit addresses, IPv6 employs 128-bit addresses, providing an immensely larger pool of unique IP addresses.
An Turkey IPv6 VPS operates on a virtualized server infrastructure, allowing users to have dedicated resources and control over their hosting environment. This type of Turkey VPS is particularly beneficial for those who want to ensure compatibility with the evolving Internet infrastructure, take advantage of the expanded address space, and enjoy improved security features provided by Turkey VPS IPv6.
Gain access to European and Middle Eastern markets with the optimal VPS location in Istanbul. The ideal server for the international level.
Upgrade your own VPS in Turkey without switching to a new plan. Just let us know what changes you need, such as expanding disk space, increasing CPU power, adding RAM, and we will upgrade your hosting.
Наши серверы расположены на берегу Эгейского моря, в Стамбуле — третьем по величине городе Турции. Дата-центр обеспечивает подтвержденную гарантию безотказной работы на уровне 99,99% и для надежности подключен сразу к шести крупным операторам связи.
تقع خوادمنا على شواطئ بحر إيجه، في إسطنبول – ثالث أكبر مدينة في تركيا. يوفر مركز البيانات ضمانًا مؤكدًا لوقت التشغيل بنسبة 99.99%، وهو متصل بستة مشغلين رئيسيين للاتصالات في وقت واحد لضمان الموثوقية.
我们的服务器位于爱琴海沿岸的土耳其第三大城市伊斯坦布尔。 该数据中心提供已确认的 99.99% 正常运行时间保证,并同时连接到六家主要电信运营商以确保可靠性。